This site is a new step for me and I'm so excited to offer my products to customers the world over. I've been making bags since 2003, and it became a business quite by accident. It all started when I made a purse for my daughter-in-law and the ladies she worked with all wanted one. It's been fun and rewarding to be able to give women quality purses, totes etc. for a reasonable price we use only top quality fabrics on all bags. We are on a never ending search for the best, we hit up the Fabric Marts twice a year for fabrics from the worlds top manufacturer's.
I'm a perfectionest and nothing goes out I see it as perfection, it sometimes means starting over but when you truly care about the product your selling it's worth it, to make you happy and proud to wear our bags is my goal. We can do special orders and work with a customer for design and fabrics preferance to make your bag not just another bag.
I will be adding many more bag styles here soon.
Enjoy the site, your feed back is always welcome. We will be at several Craft Fairs over the next year, we will post a calendar when we know all the dates.
Yours in the bag business Rosemarie
The messenger is made to wear across the body, it came about at the request of some school girls in California who wanted something pretty to carry their books and papers in,it also works for the new laptops. It is wonderful for traveling hands free, under the flap are 2 pockets great for tickets, travel plans, passports etc. Inside is one pocket, it is washable.
Our diaper bag comes with a changing pad, there are pockets on each end for bottles, theres a pocket on the outside, inside are 2 elastic bottle holders and another large pocket. The straps are long enough to hang off the shoulder and of course it's washable.
Good tapestry fabric is not easy to find but it does make a beautiful bag. It will be a little heavier then the regular totes, but is made the same way, it is not washable but can be wiped off if needed.
Made the same as the regular Messenger bag but with an embroidery design on the flap.
The pockets on the outside of this bag can be embroidered on, I make a variety of designs and customers can request a design, we have a lot of customers request their breed of dog or cat on these, the Native American dream catchers are very popular as are the Indain Maidens. It's made the same as the large purse and is also washable.
The Embroidered tote came from having these wonderful sewing-embroidery machines and wanting to take beautiful solid fabric and jazz it up, we have so many wonderful designs and our customers do enjoy "the fancy" as we call it. I love the Big Cats and our endangered animals and thats what started those, some are made ahead and quite a few are made as special orders for customers.They have pockets lining all of one side, the ;other side has a cell phone pocket and one for keys. There's a covered wood bottom and feet on the outside bottom.. They are washable
The medium purse is a new addition to the line and is made exactly lik the large version with the same pockets and easy carrying.
The dog sling came from customers buying our small purses for their small dogs. It is cotton with a small leash with swivel hook attached inside the sling, it ties at the neck so it's ajustable, the bottom is padded for comfort and washable.
Our large purse is made from a variety of fabrics, always washable. The strap fits and holds to the shoulder and is a favouite with customers, it has a cell phone pocket inside plus 2 other pockets. On the outside you have a large pocket on each side for keys,sunglasses or whatever we women must have with us at all times. We call it our Bag Lady purse, it's what got us started.