Connie Johnson of America's Best Companies

Helping Small Businesses Nationwide, Grow While Reducing Operating Expenses!

Network of Small Business Owners

We want to build a network of small business owners nationwide and provide a means for them to locate each other and work with each other. We feel it is important for small business owners to support one another. We want to be the means for them to achieve this goal.

Our Services (all part of one package)

1.) Professional website: designed, hosted, maintained

2.)Optimization of websites: placement of websites on page one, of top 40 search engines. (Including placement in yellow pages online)

3.) Branding materials for small business owners, to recognize other members in the network.

4.) National corporation discounts to reduce operating costs for small business owners.

5.) Current business and legislative information regarding issues that can or will have an impact on small businesses.

We Serve Nationwide

America's Best Companies - Small Business Association

Certifications & Affiliations

America's Best Companies -


Phone: 803-463-6834